Welcome 🕊

My name is Anya Belyaeva and I'm a wide spectrum guiding healer.

The healing I practice is systematic -I use evidence-based modalities of hands-on body therapy and proven effective protocols. At the same time, I'm able to perceive very subtle processes and signals, delicately working with my clients on a quantum level,

My Services

Body therapy in Stockholm 

I use a combination of CranioSacral therapy, osteopathic techniques, fascia massage (with hands), and Biodynamic CST. This is not a classical or relaxing massage, but I guarantee a very deep relaxation and a reset of the nervous system. I always work with the whole body, including the face. No oils. Clothes can be on if you wish so. 

75 mins - 850 SEK

75 min x 3 ggr - 2100 SEK

.Jag pratar svenska.  FriskvĂ„rd bidrag gĂ€ller


Onsdagar pĂ„ Östermalm, Skeppargatan 6

"Dansterapi centrum"

andra dagar:

"Andrummet", HÀstskovÀgen 38,

Gustavsberg, VÀrmdö

to book : SMS or WhatsApp +46707469668 

Transformation guiding 

It's an individually tailored program for 2-3 months to help you in your transformation. 

Your program will include
- weekly online meetings of 2-3 hours combined with shorter or longer healing sessions.
- daily connect via audio and/or text messages 

- guided meditations recorded for you

Your program might include:
- online (and recorded) individual sessions with yoga/breathing/fascial gymnastics

- plans and reports of activities to bring more structure to your life


Distant healing session 

We connect via audio and keep a conversation. I usually see a lot of images, the client sees them, too, or maybe something different or maybe nothing. Sensations in the body will be present. Every session is different and usually takes 1,5 - 2 hours. We will not end until the client feels wholesome (it's what healing is about), content, and harmonious.

1 session and 2-week Support Q&A

- 1100 SEK or 100 EUR

to book or ask a question:  SMS or WhatsApp +46707469668

Healing session off-line 

The process will be the same as in a distant audio session. Most of the time I will sit beside and guide the session. I might use some CST techniques to balance processes in the body.

Onsdagar pĂ„ Östermalm, Skeppargatan 6

Dansterapi centrum

andra dagar:

"Andrummet", HÀstskovÀgen 38,

Gustavsberg, VÀrmdö

1 session and 2-week support Q&A

- 1100 SEK or 100 EUR

Coaching in breathing 

It is now being said so much about the benefits of conscious breathing/breathwork, the Vagus Nerve, etc., that I have nothing to add. Just that I can conduct online/offline breathing sessions, combined with some yoga-like movements. But I would rather compound and record for you an individual program that you will practice at home. This is what I do for myself. Individualized regular practice is the most effective thing I know.


1,5 hours that will change your life for good forever 

Contact me to book your time


SMS, Telegram or WhatsApp

Queries for a healing session - examples

Family matteres

- harmonize relations with family members, including those who might have already passed away
- recalibrate and get resources before or after a separation
- get a clearer understanding of what can be done for better family dynamics

Personal transformation 

- to set goals 

- to get a clear picture of where to go

- to understand and heal what's blocking 

- to realign with the Soul mission

- to step away from the paradigm of pain and suffering

- to unpack supernatural abilities 

- to accelerate transformation 

- to find motivation 

- to break patterns 

- to open up creativity 


- Diseases... I have no right to guarantee a cure.  But all diseases have their root cause and it can be in past incarnations, in this life, in ancestors lineage  - there are many options for energy distortions. But I take responsibility to show you this, to bring clarity, to heal the root causes. Also in the session, I balance your energy structure - it always adds to strength and calmness.

- Body therapy and healing can support the treatment of complex diseases, such as oncology, and greatly help with recovery.  I have such experience.

- you can go to the session without a clear request, just by the call of the Soul. The request will appear in the session.

What my clients say

Healing sessions med Anya Ă€r alltid magi i bokstavlig mening. Även om du gör dessa sessioner pĂ„ distans, som var i mitt fall.


Förutom det faktum att du redan under processen kommer att kÀnna hur ditt kÀnslomÀssiga tillstÄnd harmoniseras och du börjar finna frid och sjÀlvförtroende dÀr för en kort tid sedan kÀnde du dig förtvivlad och desperat, var beredd pÄ att inom kort kommer hÀndelserna runt dig utvecklas pÄ det mest ovÀntade och gynnsamma sÀtt!


Jag hade inte förvĂ€ntat mig att detta Ă€r MÖJLIGT och möjligt pĂ„ sĂ„ kort tid! Tack kĂ€ra du, att du kĂ€nner andra mĂ€nniskor sĂ„ djupt och subtilt och kan balansera inte bara det fysiska tillstĂ„ndet, utan ocksĂ„ det inre och rikta det yttre i rĂ€tt riktning!

I went through 2 sessions with Anya (with a difference of several months). In both cases, I came to the appointment half-bent, with pulling, and sharp pains in the sacrum, and came out with a light gait, with an absolute feeling, as if a stone slab had been removed from my spine and sacrum.

I guess, that, If you take the course with short breaks between sessions, the effect will be even more amazing and long-lasting. Anya has very light but warm hands and powerful energy - I felt such currents in the process of work and directly felt how the pain moved after the movement of her hands and dissolved. An exciting experience and, most importantly, effective! Thank you!!!!

SÄ tacksam att jag har hittat denna behandling som jag inte visste fanns men som jag nu insett att jag letat efter och behövt! SÄ lugnande, uppmjukande och balanserande! Tack Anya!

Before and After-care for Your Healing session

Drink a lot of warm water. Water is medicine

After the sesion it's best to take a nap (or go to sleep), take a walk or take a bath with epson or sea salt.  

Clean your space with a candle light and/or burn some herbs (Palo Santo, Sage, Artemesia vulgaris, Nettle)


How did a grandchild and daughter of Soviet/Russian diplomats, with two higher education degrees, end up becoming a healer?

As a child, teenager, and adult, I have always been highly sensitive and deeply interested in how the human body functions. Starting at the age of 20, this interest blossomed into a passion for yoga, several years of extensive freediving, and the consumption of numerous books, articles, retreats, and courses in fields such as psychology, neuroscience, cosmology, philosophy, metaphysics, meditation, physiology, and anatomy.

I never found my place in the corporate world and spent many years working in international culture, primarily with vanguard and new media art, essentially spending corporate sponsors' money. After moving to Sweden and becoming a mother, I started a career in the ideal sector. However, mildly dramatic events led me to finally accept my gifts: my extra-sensitive hands, clairvoyance, and clairsentience.

I continued my education in various modalities of body therapy, becoming a Dipl. CranioSacral therapist and furthering my studies in Biodynamic CST and other disciplines. I graduated from Ana Atman's school for healers, "Open Life," and became a mentor there. I don't use systems like NLP, hypnosis, or Reiki, but I understand energetic anatomy and have a clear vision of the cosmology of our beautiful world and Earth's place in it.

My dream is that during my lifetime, what is now labeled as "alternative" will merge with conventional science and medicine. I hope people overcome the illusion of separation in all fields and that humanity thrives in the 5th dimension.